Three different ways
to use Vaseline as a beauty product
It’s been already a week since my last post ...
long time no write I know :/. But now I am back with a new design on my blog! (Tell
me in the comments if you like it) Also I had a problem with my GFC box but now
that is solved. And the new design on my blog isn’t the only thing that is
different, from now on I’ll make one post for one content which will be English + Macedonian
and stop making two post (one in English and one in Macedonian) with the same
content because I think is more practical this way.(Again tell me in the
comments below what you think) And the last change is that my Review Fridays
will become Review Saturdays since on Fridays I’m really busy :D
So today I will share with you three different
uses of vaseline. I like using vaseline for two reasons: the first one is
because it’s cheap and the second one is because it can replace some essential
beauty products when you run out of them. Maybe most of you have already heard
about the first two uses but I don’t know if you are familiar with the third
one, so let’s start:
If you have dry and harsh
spots on your body just apply vaseline on them and it will instantly soften
Instead of lip balm use
vaseline on your lips to moisturize and soften them(I like applying it on my
lips at night) . You can also mix the vaseline with sugar and exfoliate your
lips before moisturizing them.
You ran out of makeup remover?
Just put vaseline on a cotton pad and remove your eye makeup, you can also use
it to remove even your foundation but I use it only on my eyes. (p.s. it doesn’t
irritate your eyes at all :D)
Have you ever heard about this
amazing uses of Vaseline or even tried them? What other uses of Vaseline do you
know? Let me know in the comments :*